Monday, September 30, 2013

i'm sick of this heart yearning bullshit
i want to run away

Monday, September 16, 2013


white light kiss my cheek
i felt you there
i am aware

Monday, September 9, 2013

In past lives I sank with darkness.
Mud hardens and fastens like cement.
Even when your will is stronger in the next life the weights to bare were still there.
And all you could do was nod.
You knew.
Water can be contained, but spirits, no, spirits can not.
Even when broken, writhing, staring up at galaxies that shined down with maps from where we used to meet; I knew that I was growing.
Parched and cracked my lips still called to you.
Forever I whispered for you, and apologized until I believed that you had gone.
As I lay still, the sun incubating me, transcending into a phoenix...
In an array of colors that are yet to exist, you heard those colors and looked to the sky as if you finally knew that the vibrations spoke the way we read braille.
Our sky.

-saree mcclaran