It's dark outside, summer, fresh air and the street lights are making the shine of the city orange.
I am at a house with my friend Elsbeth, it seems like some kind of house party there's a lot of people but they are all kind of blurs. We are in a living room it's lime green and lit with fluorescent lights my friend Kyle is there who I haven't seen in a few years.
My friend Elsbeth's father is there (in waking life, he passed a way a few years ago and I never met him in person). He comes up to me and it wearing a button up shirt with little pinwheels all over it.
He shakes my hand and points into a room. I look at him and walk into the room.
It's cold, and dim there's a glass case, almost like an aquarium without water, instead it's an art exhibit, it says my name under it. Inside is a paper mache' doll next to a televison. I take the remote off the stand in front of it, and press a button for it to play, whatever this film is that I made.
Everything seems green at first and then with time elasped photography it's a girl laying in the grass. The grass is swaying quickly because of the way things are shot, the sun rises and falls several times casting different shadows each time, then I realize the girl is... melting is the best word I can use. She isn't decaying, but it's similar, she is getting smaller, thinner, plasticy, the earth starts growing over her 'corpse' and then it's almost as though she were never there.
I look behind me and a crowd of people start clapping and applauding my 'film'.
People are crying and moved deeply, and I realize it's on several televisions placed in different parts of the rooms.
Elsbeth comes into the room and hugs me, she says she is cold so I give her the hoodie that I'm wearing, and realize it has the same pattern on it her dad's shirt had on it.
and then I woke up.
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