Prophecies through dreams...
I'm Walking into a small door way I have to crouch down to get in.
An older gentleman is sitting, in one hand he is holding a necklace and in the other he is holding an antler. I am holding a leash, I am walking an alligator on it.
He asks if I am comfortable with my new Theology. I nod, but the only thought I can process is "Seven." I keep saying it to myself over and over again. "Seven... Seven... Seven..."
I sit indian style in front of the man. I can't see him very well, almost as though I'm looking through a filter.
He asks which hand I would choose from. I point to the antler.
He nods, and says "Beauty is Passion." I take the antler and attach it to my head. I turn to leave through the small door, but I am outside.
In the woods, I look down at the alligator, it's bright red, and has almost human eyes. I look up and there is a meteor shower, it looks like a million crystals spilled out on a blue velvet curtain.
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