Monday, January 13, 2014

I like rooms that are filled with natural light all year long. I always keep sheer curtains up so the colors blend onto the walls and ceiling and spill onto the floor. I like trinkets, knick knacks, and house plants on shelves. I like colorful modernish homes with open spaces and high ceilings.
I like the smell of lemon, berries, and pineapple to fill my home and make me think of warm weather.
I like freshly vacuumed floors, poofy pillows, soft blankies, and cuddling with my little Rhu and a kitty kneading me.
I like making art that looks like how I feel inside, and seeing those feelings reflect on others when they look at it. I love that my son has picked up the love for creating. He sits on my lap as I smear paint across a canvas and I'm not restricted by his little curious hands wanting to help add his renditions.
I like that each afternoon my home is filled with the sounds of him giggling and repeating everyone, his little hand reaching up and wanting to teach me the sign language he has learned that day.
I like finding rows of hot wheels on all the window sills, along the bathtub, a tower of blocks in my doorway, scribbles on my walls, a strategically placed row of foam letters on my keyboard when I turn on my computer.
Today they spelled "Luv".

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