Sunday, March 1, 2015

Humans are such bizarre creatures.
We grow from nourishment just as all creatures do. We have minds that need filling, we respond to touch. We desire warmth from others;
yet we dread it just the same.
We are combined energy that bounces back and forth collecting particles.
If we stop collecting we cease our Being, in turn we just Are.
That is a new path entirely... Or an old one depending on circumstance.

So many are searching with their eyes closed, standing around letting others take their hands and lead them to "water".
When what they need to do is pry their eyes open and reflect on themselves. Stop projecting confusion, you can't light a candle and call the flame a different name to make it change it's self.
It is exactly as it was when it presented itself to you.
Humans don't seem to fully understand that perception.
Not enough of them at least.
Most of which are too busy lacking where they claim to be complete to realize their own projections...
Until the allegory ball is bounced back into their corner with accumulated energies to feed upon. You'll never realize how you are starving yourself from "Being"


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