Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Everything. You. Are.

I am becoming aware and utilizing my realizations, my emotions,
my deeper feeling inner-self hopefully appropriately by embracing myself instead of fighting myself.
Make sure you allot yourself enough alone time to fully submerge into your thoughts.
You're allowed to analyze your feelings, your thoughts, your actions.
You're allowed to question your being because that is where you may find your unraveling pieces.
Do not pull them in, do not collect yourself; instead follow them.

Let your strings get snagged on people you love; strangers.
Let them pull you and open you, let yourself travel in pockets,
let yourself make homes in nests, reflect there.
Hanging from trees unburdened.
Speak through falling leaves.
Float on warm breath during cold evenings
and the sighs in between kissing your lover.
Cling to held hands and on the eyelashes of smiling children.
Breathe in what you've analyzed.
Examine what you've picked apart and only keep the pieces that will continue to be beneficial to your relationship with yourself and your future self.

Let the rest pour out.
Lend your hand when you see others doing the same as they recognize their own journeys.
Every thing will be alright.
Not because you want it to be,
but because everything becomes something and that is better than nothing.
Keep moving forward.
You are needed. Embrace yourself.


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