Tuesday, June 28, 2016

dream inspired may 2016

I emptied my pockets and all my bags pouring them on the landscape begging to find more of what I freely gave away.
But time is elusive because sometimes she does not exist at all.
The illusionary alchemist.
All my trinkets rolling down grassy hills where we once laid, glitter floating gracefully through the winds.
"You set aside your magic for such silly things."
"Love is not silly." I replied defensively.
"Then you are doing it wrong." She smiled while handing me a memory in a little jar I once dreamed he had given me.

I thought to myself how she was right, we've argued all my lifetimes over these things and while others shake their heads at watching me manifest my mistakes to repeat them until I learn, she always kindly smiles.
"When you feel like you are wasting time, you are not learning the lessons provided within."
The fact is, this is not just your lesson, sometimes it is just yours to teach another.
"Have you gathered your details?"
I shook my head no.
Waving her hand and showing me his kind eyes.
"Others eyes sometimes blind."
I closed mine, until I felt tears welling up in the corners tickling their way free, warm paths down my face before they leap into space.
"I don't know." I whispered.
She pulled my hands into her heart, "None of us know, we hold all of this knowledge, wisdom is never free.
Alas, we still, do. not. know."

Saree McClaran

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