Wednesday, September 28, 2016


The path to self actualization is not an easy cleared out path that has been paved. It is a thick forest, the wandering woods.
With swarming insects, foreboding quicksand, and packs of howling wolves running through dusk set skies.
On this path you'll find spiraling streams though, where lush blooming flowers climb, reaching to the knowing sun.
You will find clearings where fawns frolic and rabbits burrow into soft dens they've built on their own.
You will come face to face with your own pack, your own choices to go along until their path ends or faces down different directions.
The howling was a call, a "Goodbye, Good luck and Be well."

The insects carrying ten times their own weight creating bridges from dawn to the setting suns over quicksand to help lead the way.
Vines like swings to trapeze you into action, and soft leaves to slumber.
Sometimes to wallow, sometimes to pour doubts from your eyes as you stare at the clouds above the maze we are learning.
You will remember in dreams, voices of seas you must reach, maps on the stars shining through blanketed skies.
You will tend to your path and become it.
With or without those you may have set forth with.

This is your own soul that collects then cleanses like a set of fresh lungs.
Nurture it.
Lift it with pride in all your choices weaving into intricate rainbow casting webs. Catch yourself in the fern laced safety you can create, and seek those that journey the way you do, the way you must.
Seek what sets your soul into motion, and flow forward in hand dug streams that water the life you create.
Wherever change occurs, meet it head on then plant your seeds to carry on.


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