Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dream: Lost Easter Goods

Dreamed that I was in a car, back seat drivers side, my mom was driving (though in Waking life she doesn't) and in the passenger side was a girl, whom I knew in the dream, but I'm not sure who she was, she had short hair and was talking to my mom.
I leaned on the door and it swung up. I hurried and closed it, I pushed it very lightly and it swung open again. I told my mom the car door was broken, she says "Make sure you have your seatbelt on!" I do. I realize by looking at my clothes that I'm little, about 7 maybe. I look down at my shoes, pink high tops.
We stop and are at a building I zip out of the car excitedly, then jump back in a grab an easter basket. I run into the building and through the front door like it's a race.
I look out the window and it's night time, for some reason no one followed me upstairs. I keep peaking down the hallway to see if I'll see a shadow coming up.
I finally do, I hurry and close the door and lock it.
I fill myself with anticipation,then fear (in waking life I used to do that a lot when I was young) I hurry to the bedroom, which is not mine, it's a cluttered mess, I jump under a blanket and hide under the bed behind a laundry basket that is overflowing with clothes.
I hear the door being unlocked, jingling, clicking, I'm getting all restless.
I hear someone walk in, I hope it's my mom, I hope it's my mom, I hope it's my mom.
She turns on the light.
Unenthused she goes, you're under the bed. I climb out, anticipation unsatisated I walk to the window and look down at the street, I think, I miss my mom, though she just went into the other room,
Suddenly I'm outside, 23 year old me again. I'm cleaning out the backseat, looking for something that fell out of my easter basket (that little kid me had) I realized the easter basket was the basket I was making for my boyfriend, and it's missing something.
I can't find it in the car, so I take a walk to a pool. There's no one there really (in waking life I can't even swim).
I put my finger in the water, it doesn't smell like chemicals.
A bunch of people start showing up, thanking me for inviting them. I nod and walk back home.
I'm at the apartment I live in and my boyfriend is at the table reading a magazine, he looks up and smiles.
I smile back, disappointed that little kid me lost a present I was going to give him.
I set the basket on the table for him, it's a pale green basket it looks like I hand-made it, no easter grass, paint supplies (in waking life he is an artist) and chocolates, and a note I've written.
I tell him how little kid me lost something in it. And he goes I'm sure she'll find it later. Smiles and Kisses me.
and I woke up
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dream- Two Fawn

Another dream. I was sitting in what I knew was my bedroom (though it wasn't the bedroom of my waking life) It was a large room, high ceilings, wooden floors, large windows, and lots of light.
I was sitting on the floor indian style, I was wearing just a pair of red pants, my hair was long (which I always end up cutting it when it gets to my shoulders, but in my dreams it's usually almost to my navel.) was staring out the window at the sky, the clouds were moving by extremely quickly, the sky was almost more like liquid, the images were forming words, but I can't remember what any of them were. I stood up and turned around, I walked into another room and went to a coinciding room that had sliding glass doors to go outside, I remember the walls were all white, with black trim and the floors were oak. The doorways were all arched, and there were no curtains or blinds, just open windows.
I opened the sliding glass door, and suddenly two little fawns walked into my house. I lead them to the kitchen and offered them water and blankets, they looked happy, and I showed them their room. It was painted light blue, and had clouds painted on the walls, but the clouds looked like they moved,
I felt my boyfriend had painted the room.
I leaned down to kiss the little fawns good night as they nestled on the floor in blankets together.
The one looked up all bleary eyed and said "Thanks Mom" but his words were backwards sounding in my dream, though my mind could interpret it just fine.
I went back into my bedroom, one of the fawns called to me asking me for a cup of water.
When I brought them the cup of water, I brought three for some reason, and instead of two little fawns, there were now a little boy with brown curls, and a little blonde girl. They were naked and smiling. I felt they were my children (besides the one calling me mom) I looked down at my stomach, and I was pregnant.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dream: Deer Language

I dreamt I was walking through an airport, no people in sight, just garbage scattered all over, at first everything looked trashed, but upon closer inspection, the garbage was also forming the blades on the planes, the window paines, everything seemed made of cardboard and cereal boxes.... I walked behind the terminal aimlessly.
Wondering why I was at the airport... wondering where everyone was?
I walked behind the building and suddenly I was near a nice stream, relieved to see nature I waked into the grass, it was mucky, like it had just rained but I didn't mind.
I started walking along a small stone wall above the stream, the trees were getting fuller as I walked further.
the sun came out, and I knew where I was.
A small deer stepped out from behind a tree. it was young, too young to tell if it were a boy, or a girl because it had no antlers yet.
It startled me by speaking ( I have Never had a dream where an animal spoke to me before).
It took a couple steps closer to me, and said "We've learned to transform, so we could evolve and keep hold of what we are inside"
Suddenly the Deer turned into a young man (early 20's maybe). He had dark messy hair and no clothing. He reached a hand out to me and I reached back and his hand was warm, and soothing.
He goes to me "After all this time, I could still tell it was you, but your hair is different"
and I woke up giggling.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Dream: Searching what is Stalking

I was walking through a forest again, I had a lantern in one hand as
though I was searching, I evidently planned on searching beyond night
It reached dusk, I turned my lantern on a dim setting where I would
still see my surroundings, not just the path in front of me.
I was startled by a male figure standing me a tree with a giant smile on
his face, chesire cat like. He snickered, he was almost.... half human
half impish, he was handsome though. I felt irritated, like he was sent
to stand in my way.
He reached out and flicked my hair, just gleaming his giant smile. I
felt like I had done this before, and kept walking. It seemed as though
he almost gave up his mission when I got to a fallen tree. Instead he
just stood behind me, almost.... a bit scared maybe. A dark figure came looming toward me, it was a male and he was quite a
bit taller than me. He reached a hand out to me, but I refused to take
it. I felt bitter, angry at him.... betrayed possibly. He whispered, and the trees carried his words to my ears in vibrations.
He apologized that it "took him so long to find me". He has "been searching for life times, just to be this close". I felt his breath on my neck and then on my mouth as though he were
trying to kiss me. I stood as though I were stone, staring him down. He
wasn't close enough for me to see his face, he stood in shadows on
I feel either he wasn't ready to show himself to me entirely, or he knew
I wasn't ready to see him yet.... I woke up feeling as though I hadn't slept in days.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dream: Aquarium Artist

I was dreaming I was walking through water, almost as though I were in aquarium, but the fish were floating around me, there were vivd colored jelly fish surrounding me and I was just walking nonchalantly.
I was holding a notebook and a charcoal , and sat in the middle to draw.
While drawing the charcoal didn't come out black/grey, it came out all the colors I was thinking.
Pinks and greens with neon yellows.
I would've thought I'd have drawn jelly fish? No.
I drew a girl with long blonde wispy hair she had a baby bird in one hand a necklace in the other. On the necklace were teeth stringed to it and really pretty glass blue beads.
I put the paper down and stood up and kept walking about 10 steps through the aquarium/room and turned around to face the paper.
I opened my hand and there was scraps of paper I had nervously pulled off the edge of the notebook. I blew them like confetti.
and the pages of the notebook started turning. So I blew again to see if that' what did it, and it happened again. I laughed to myself.
I looked down and had smudges of the charcoal all over my legs, I went to wipe it off, but it just smeared.
I looked closer and the smears were spiral designed, and changing colors.
I went touch the spirals again curiously, to see if they would go on my hands but woke up
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Dream: Mind Galaxy

I dreamt that I was in a light filled room, a friend of mine whom I've recently been helping through a rough patch was sitting in a chair in front of me, I am pretty sure I was helping him clear his Chakras. I had my hands run over the energy he was omitting almost as though I were trying to remove any negativity. He felt like the color orange. I felt like the color blue.
I opened the blinds and light spilled in so quickly, the window looked like a door, I reached for the doorknob and heard a woman say "Ree" ( I go by Saree, I get called that very rarely) I opened the door and stepped in, it looked like I had stepped into the galaxy, the "room" was several shades of blues, purples with orbs of green flitting around, no floor. I couldnt see the woman, I could only feel her. She told me I respond to "Ree" because in my other life she called me "Reeni" and my name back then was "Irene". She took my arms and lifted them in a palm up position, almost standing as a totem, she ran her hands over my face and touched my forehead. She told me, "You were the Tower then, but now You're the Light that comes from within it." and put her other hand on my Heart. And I woke up
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
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