Dreamed that I was in a car, back seat drivers side, my mom was driving (though in Waking life she doesn't) and in the passenger side was a girl, whom I knew in the dream, but I'm not sure who she was, she had short hair and was talking to my mom.
I leaned on the door and it swung up. I hurried and closed it, I pushed it very lightly and it swung open again. I told my mom the car door was broken, she says "Make sure you have your seatbelt on!" I do. I realize by looking at my clothes that I'm little, about 7 maybe. I look down at my shoes, pink high tops.
We stop and are at a building I zip out of the car excitedly, then jump back in a grab an easter basket. I run into the building and through the front door like it's a race.
I look out the window and it's night time, for some reason no one followed me upstairs. I keep peaking down the hallway to see if I'll see a shadow coming up.
I finally do, I hurry and close the door and lock it.
I fill myself with anticipation,then fear (in waking life I used to do that a lot when I was young) I hurry to the bedroom, which is not mine, it's a cluttered mess, I jump under a blanket and hide under the bed behind a laundry basket that is overflowing with clothes.
I hear the door being unlocked, jingling, clicking, I'm getting all restless.
I hear someone walk in, I hope it's my mom, I hope it's my mom, I hope it's my mom.
She turns on the light.
Unenthused she goes, you're under the bed. I climb out, anticipation unsatisated I walk to the window and look down at the street, I think, I miss my mom, though she just went into the other room,
Suddenly I'm outside, 23 year old me again. I'm cleaning out the backseat, looking for something that fell out of my easter basket (that little kid me had) I realized the easter basket was the basket I was making for my boyfriend, and it's missing something.
I can't find it in the car, so I take a walk to a pool. There's no one there really (in waking life I can't even swim).
I put my finger in the water, it doesn't smell like chemicals.
A bunch of people start showing up, thanking me for inviting them. I nod and walk back home.
I'm at the apartment I live in and my boyfriend is at the table reading a magazine, he looks up and smiles.
I smile back, disappointed that little kid me lost a present I was going to give him.
I set the basket on the table for him, it's a pale green basket it looks like I hand-made it, no easter grass, paint supplies (in waking life he is an artist) and chocolates, and a note I've written.
I tell him how little kid me lost something in it. And he goes I'm sure she'll find it later. Smiles and Kisses me.
and I woke up
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