I was dreaming I was walking through water, almost as though I were in aquarium, but the fish were floating around me, there were vivd colored jelly fish surrounding me and I was just walking nonchalantly.
I was holding a notebook and a charcoal , and sat in the middle to draw.
While drawing the charcoal didn't come out black/grey, it came out all the colors I was thinking.
Pinks and greens with neon yellows.
I would've thought I'd have drawn jelly fish? No.
I drew a girl with long blonde wispy hair she had a baby bird in one hand a necklace in the other. On the necklace were teeth stringed to it and really pretty glass blue beads.
I put the paper down and stood up and kept walking about 10 steps through the aquarium/room and turned around to face the paper.
I opened my hand and there was scraps of paper I had nervously pulled off the edge of the notebook. I blew them like confetti.
and the pages of the notebook started turning. So I blew again to see if that' what did it, and it happened again. I laughed to myself.
I looked down and had smudges of the charcoal all over my legs, I went to wipe it off, but it just smeared.
I looked closer and the smears were spiral designed, and changing colors.
I went touch the spirals again curiously, to see if they would go on my hands but woke up
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