Another dream. I was sitting in what I knew was my bedroom (though it wasn't the bedroom of my waking life) It was a large room, high ceilings, wooden floors, large windows, and lots of light.
I was sitting on the floor indian style, I was wearing just a pair of red pants, my hair was long (which I always end up cutting it when it gets to my shoulders, but in my dreams it's usually almost to my navel.) was staring out the window at the sky, the clouds were moving by extremely quickly, the sky was almost more like liquid, the images were forming words, but I can't remember what any of them were. I stood up and turned around, I walked into another room and went to a coinciding room that had sliding glass doors to go outside, I remember the walls were all white, with black trim and the floors were oak. The doorways were all arched, and there were no curtains or blinds, just open windows.
I opened the sliding glass door, and suddenly two little fawns walked into my house. I lead them to the kitchen and offered them water and blankets, they looked happy, and I showed them their room. It was painted light blue, and had clouds painted on the walls, but the clouds looked like they moved,
I felt my boyfriend had painted the room.
I leaned down to kiss the little fawns good night as they nestled on the floor in blankets together.
The one looked up all bleary eyed and said "Thanks Mom" but his words were backwards sounding in my dream, though my mind could interpret it just fine.
I went back into my bedroom, one of the fawns called to me asking me for a cup of water.
When I brought them the cup of water, I brought three for some reason, and instead of two little fawns, there were now a little boy with brown curls, and a little blonde girl. They were naked and smiling. I felt they were my children (besides the one calling me mom) I looked down at my stomach, and I was pregnant.
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