Dream from two nights ago, I'm walking my hands are tied in front of me, I look over to my side. I'm with two other girls and my mom. We all have our hands tied in front of us, we look like we've been beat, messed up hair, legs are covered in bruises, blood. I'm wearing a dingy off white dress. It looks like it would've been a lovely summer dress but it's tattered, and covered in filth. My eyes sting from smoke.
I look over to my mom (my real mother in waking life is Yvee W) she is strong willed, and her eyes look forward, she looks over at me, and suddenly her eyes fill with tears. A man grabs her from me and drags her to a stake, to burn her they tie her up and make us three girls watch. My mother stares at me, I feel her giving me her strength, and letting go of this world. I hear someone yell that we are witches. The other girls are sobbing in fear, but my mother gave my her strength, I feel it's not a time to cry.
I look over and see a guy, my age, possibly a bit older staring at me, he has very bright greenish-blue eyes, he is wearing a dark robe and takes his hood off so that I can see him. The two girls and I are walked, more like dragged to the water's edge.
I feel these girls are my sisters, and I'm the youngest. I look at the water, it's black, and doesn't look like water. A man pushes my "sisters" in, they can't swim and are drowning, bobbing up and down gasping, they were still tied.
They turn into young girls and dissolve into the water.
They guy in the dark robe comes to me, he grasps my face and kisses me on the mouth. He has been my lover I feel. I kiss him back. I feel done, with all of this. He cuts the ropes off my hands, I see relief in his eyes. My eyes finally well up with tears, he lets go of my hands, and I know to run, as fast as I can. I am runing, but it is in slow motion, I feel my feet hitting the grass.
I turn back as I'm still running, I'm yards away. I see the man in the robe still staring at me and people rushing to him, they are going to kill him as well. He mouths to me something that I can't see, and closes his eyes, he disappears as though he were never there.
I'm running to my 'home' in the woods. I turn into a bird, I can't tell what kind of bird though. I still feel like I'm running, just through the trees, I go into a tree, and down the bottom, like a hidden compartment. I hop (bird still) into the entrance. There is a young girl, possibly 7 or 8. She has very long reddish hair and no clothes. (she looks like my waking-life mother when she was young) She picks me up I feel like she IS my mother, and I turn into a little grey and white rabbit. She kisses me on the forehead, I feel very safe, and happy, and new. We curl up in our tree-cubbyhole and fall asleep.
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