I was driving a small blue car (in waking life I do not drive) it was night time, and there were white christmas lights on the tree, for decorations, they were illuminating the road in front of me, it was really lovely. My male ( I do not knoew, but did in my dream) was in the passenger seat. We pull into a drive way, it's one of the kind where it's shaped like a 'U' to leave, and surrounding it were those trees that look like mini pink willow trees. Everything smelled sweet like summer, cherry blossoms, and fresh cut grass.
I get out of the car, I'm extremely excited and know this is my 'home' in the dream. We walk inside and it's 'our house' not just mine. I run into the hall, and open a door quietly. The room has a dim set of christmas lights hanging from the wall, and on the wall is painted beautifully purple and pink clouds at sunset, I know in the dream that I painted this. The room smells like fresh cut lilacs.
In the center by the window is a crib, with a tiny little girl. She is standing, holding the side.
She has a huge grin on her face, her mouth is tiny and pink, and she has long beautiful eyelashes and bright blue happy eyes. Her hair is so soft, and darkish blonde, she reaches up and I know she our daughter. (I dream about a daughter a lot, I assume this represents a repressed child self, possibly?)
She reaches to him, though I'm holding her and makes a fist then lays her hand on his and says 'Ever'.
Everything is kind of choppy for a second, then I walk into the other room with her, the light is off, and there is a really big fish aquarium, it's light is on, making everything in the room, kind of blue.
Everything is calm. My 'daughter' points at the kitten that run into the room and she squeals excitedly 'Meeeeee-ow!!!"
Awwww I love this <3