I'm out in a large open field, I remember seeing pussy willows and the rest was a golden yellow and bright beautiful fresh green. I'm wearing a brown dress, it's warm, I am crouching, I'm watching for something, but I can tell what it is.
I have a knife in my hand, and I'm 'hunting' (in waking life I do not eat meat or seafood etc).
There is a flash in the sky, heat lightening I think? Suddenly I'm stalking a guy, I can't see who he is, he is wearing a long peacoat with a hood and not facing my direction. I'm about 8 ft away I'd estimate. He starts walking backwards toward me, but it's very slow seeming. He gets about 4 ft away and turns so he facing me, he doesn't look at me though, but I see the light reflect off my knife onto his face.
I stand up, I feel weird, almost like I have motion sickness. We stare each other down, I'm holding my knife so tight my hand aches. I feel he is as scared as I am.
He says "Not yet" and I wake up feeling empty and lonely
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