Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The things you own, own you.
They'll always come before us, and you'll always be blinded by that.
Too bright. Our light.
This isn't written in braille, so you'll over look this,
the way you over look what you're doing to me.
Drowning, honey, sickening sweet.
Reaching up to reach out.
My mouth is closed, but I still taste it.
I hear them singing from underneath the ice.
Where is the vindication in the realization... dreams never come true.

We've gotten here together?
Why are you so alone...
Post another song, about the hate you've never experienced.
Post another song with lyrics you've never felt.
Soon, you may be singing them for yourself...

Breaking through cracks in the ice to just hear you.
The songs, I've sung them.
The lyrics etched forever in places you've never seen.
Never will. Pray.
Laying in this dirty snow, numb me.
Oh so silly, dumb little me.
Frostbitten but don't say a fucking word.
The leeches will suck me clean.

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