Wednesday, July 17, 2013

- Star Child

There was a point in time, where you did not exist, but you were a dream.
Swimming like neon paints in clear waters. The ocean swayed, our way.
Diluted to a perfect texture, of soft sand, warm on top and cool when my fingers would sink in deep.
The salted air called your name, whispering it through my hair.
Strand by stand I felt you spiral around like an angel, unseen, but the goosebumps could tell your story.
With a fire in the passion of love.
All elements melting into the color of purity.
Now I thank the universe for each breath you take. Each heart beat.
A galaxy at the end of each eyelash, you blink and shooting stars take flight.
A dream come true. I wished for you.

-July 18th 2013
Saree McClaran

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